Health and Safety Statement

At Reassured Limited (“The Group”) we are committed to ensuring that appropriate provision is made for the health, safety and welfare of our employees and others who may be directly affected by the Group’s activities.

It is our Policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:

• The provision and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment
• A safe means of access into and egress from Reassured offices
• Suitable risk assessments are carried out as required
• Safety training, information and instruction is provided appropriately
• Consultation and collaboration in matters of health and safety with employees via the Health and Safety Committee
• The investigation of accidents at work and work-related illnesses, including identifying and implementing solutions to prevent recurrence where practicable
• The Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or sooner if required and updated as necessary.

Policy Owner

This Policy is owned by Team People who are responsible for monitoring and advising on the Group’s governance, processes and procedures designed to ensure compliance with Health & Safety regulations.

All individuals have a responsibility under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to take responsible care of their own health and safety and that of colleagues and visitors. This includes but is not limited to:

• Working safely and to comply with any instruction, information or training
• Immediately report any incidents, including any accidents, near misses or hazards that have or could have resulted in injury
• Assist with the investigation of any incidents
• Reporting and escalation are to the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Committee.


This Policy applies to all employees within the Group. It is the policy of The Group to attach prime importance to the health and safety at work of all employees and to regard this as a management responsibility ranking equally with all other considerations of sales, service and costs.

mark townsend
Mark Townsend
Chief Executive Officer

May 2024